Care options

There are many different ways to care for someone with dementia. Learn about your options, and how to explore them.
- Living alone
You may still be able to live by yourself if you been diagnosed with dementia. Here are some considerations and changes you might need to make.
- Home care
Home care services support your daily activities, helping you to live independently for longer. Learn more about home care services and government-funded support.
- Retirement villages
Retirement villages are a popular housing option for older Australians. But what happens if you’re living with dementia? Learn what you can expect.
- Going to hospital
Going to hospital can be a stressful experience for someone with dementia. Learn how you can help make their admission, stay and return home easier.
- Respite care
Respite care is a form of short-term, temporary professional care for a person living with dementia.
- Residential care
If you’re caring for someone with dementia, you may need to make the decision to move them to residential care. Here are the key steps, and the support you can get.
- Palliative care
Palliative care can help to maintain someone’s comfort and quality of life in the later stages of dementia. Here’s a guide to what you can expect.