Staying social
A good social life helps us feel like we belong, like we’re connected to the world around us. That feeling of connection is protective: loneliness and depression are linked to a higher risk of cognitive decline.
There are times in everyone’s life when there’s a risk of losing social contact. Moving house or town, ends of relationships, losing someone close and retirement can all create a break in your social life. It can be hard to keep social connection going, but there are options.
What you can do
Everyone’s social needs are different. Some people like a busy social life, others just need a little quality social time now and then. You know best what you need.
Here are some suggestions for making and maintaining social connection:
- catching up with friends or family over the phone or in-person
- joining a group activity through your local council, art gallery or museum
- joining organisations like the Men’s Shed Association or Volunteering Australia
- joining an exercise or sports club
- having friendly chats with shopkeepers or people you encounter throughout the day.