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Community Engagement Program Grants

To support local community groups and organisations to develop projects or initiatives which make their community more dementia-friendly, Dementia Australia is providing grants of up to $15,000. This funding is to ensure people living with dementia, their families and carers, are supported to remain socially connected and meaningfully involved in community life.

The Community Engagement Program supports local community associations, businesses, organisations, and groups to develop dementia-friendly communities projects that reflect community need, create local partnerships, and draw on in-kind contributions and existing resources. Four grant rounds have been delivered so far, with funds totalling close to $800,000 delivered to over 70 groups.

Each grant recipient is required to actively involve and include people living with dementia in the design and delivery of a community-focused project or activity. Dementia Australia is very proud to support these projects and welcomes enquiries to find out more.

Grant applications for projects in 2024-25 are now closed.

For more information, please read the Community Engagement Program Guidelines and apply here or copy and paste into your browser.

If you are unsure about your eligibility, your proposed project’s fit against our criteria, or if you have general enquiries about the program, please email

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Last updated
16 October 2024