Adelaide Hills Dementia Carers Support Group
We are a group of people with current, or previous lived experience as dementia carers, who meet socially at various locations throughout the greater Adelaide Hills to share our stories, or just have a laugh with others who understand.
Carers are welcome to bring along those for whom they care.
We meet each Thursday with two drop-in coffee groups, and two meal groups. People can come to any, or all, as they prefer.
There is a coffee group at Strathalbyn on the first Thursday, a dinner group the second Thursday, another coffee group at the Mount Barker Community Centre on the third Thursday and a lunch on the fourth Thursday of each month. Dinner and lunches are held on a rotation throughout the Hills area. Venues are mainly chosen from hotels and restaurants with locations advised by email.
New attendees are always welcome and readily made to feel at home.
Caring for someone with dementia is a unique and demanding task. It is good to meet with others who share a similar lived experience.
To find out more, contact:
Vern Marshall
Adelaide Hills SA 5255