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Voting and dementia

Dementia can affect your ability to vote. Find out how you can be supported to keep voting with dementia in Australia, or choose to stop voting.

If you’re an Australian citizen older than 18, it’s mandatory for you to vote in elections.

But dementia can affect your ability to understand information and make decisions. This can include your ability to vote in elections.

You might notice this change in yourself, or someone else might notice it. If this happens, you can be supported to keep voting, or you can choose to stop voting.

Continuing to vote with dementia

If you live with dementia, you still have the right to vote. Here are some things you can do to make voting easier for you on election day:

  • Think about your vote ahead of time, so you don’t have to make your mind up on the spot.
  • Plan your visit to the polling place.
  • Ask someone to support you on the day.
  • Take any aids you need, like glasses, hearing aids and mobility support.
  • Take your time. You’re allowed to take as long as you need to cast your vote.
  • Ask for help from staff at the polling place if you need it.

You can also request a postal vote from the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC). They will send you a voting paper you can fill in at home and post back. Postal votes are safe and legal.

Supporting someone living with dementia to vote

If you are close to someone living with dementia, there’s a lot you can do to support them to vote. Here are some things you could do:

  • Read voting forms and instructions to the voter.
  • Explain the process of voting.
  • Translate information as accurately as possible, if they need language support.
  • Provide factual information that may help the voter, without influencing who they vote for.
  • Fill out forms under direction of the person you are helping.
  • Fill out the ballot paper according to the voter’s instructions, in their presence.
  • Return forms or postal votes on behalf of the voter.

Stopping voting

If you, or a person you trust to act for you, decides it’s time for you to stop voting because of the effects of dementia, you can ask to be removed from the electoral roll.

The AEC has a form you can fill in, called an Objection Form, that you or someone else can fill in with your permission. The person filling in the form has to be on the electoral roll. The form also needs to be signed by a medical practitioner, like your doctor.

After the form is sent to the AEC, they will write to you, the person living with dementia. You will have 20 days to tell the AEC you still want to stay enrolled to vote. If you don’t contact the AEC after 20 days, your name will taken off the electoral roll, and you will no longer be able to vote.

This is a big change. Make sure you make this decision and go through the process with someone you trust.

Support from the Australian Electoral Commission

The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) can help you with information and advice on voting.

Here are some links to helpful AEC information and forms:

Video: Voting when Living With Dementia

This video takes you through what you need to know about voting when you have dementia, or if you're supporting someone living with dementia to vote. Some of the information will also be relevant for people with mild cognitive impairment, but the language is focused on dementia. 

Voting when Living With Dementia

You can also contact the Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) for support.

The National Dementia Helpline

Contact the National Dementia Helpline for information, advice and support on voting or any other aspect of dementia. We're available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, every day of the year.

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Last updated
26 February 2025