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Meet the Ministers Webinar

Tuesday, 25 October 2022Personal stories

On 13 October, Dementia Australia hosted a Meet the Ministers Webinar with the Hon Mark Butler MP, Minister for Health and Aged Care and the Hon Anika Wells MP, Minister for Aged Care and Sport.

The webinar provided the opportunity to hear from the two key members of the Australian Government who will influence and decide on immediate and future dementia policy.

As part of the webinar, Minister Butler officially launched Dementia Australia’s new, free app BrainTrack. Watch now:


Meet the Ministers Webinar

"It is vital for people experiencing early changes in cognition to access information, support and services as early as possible."

Professor Graeme Samuel AC believes the BrainTrack app is an important tool to support a timely diagnosis of dementia. Graeme, who is the Chair of Dementia Australia, said BrainTrack will offer reassurance as well as useful tips for maintaining brain health.

Read more hereabout why the BrainTrack app is needed to support early dementia diagnosis.

Looking for brain health tips and strategies?  

Dementia Australia has compiled a list of tips and strategies you can use to improve your health.

Read more about brain health tips and strategies and to discover more about BrainTrack.

Thinking about your brain? Get the app now. 

The free BrainTrack app is available for download on mobile or tablet now via Apple Store or Google Play. Find out more here.

Questions and Answers from the Webinar

1600 people registered for the event, 532 people attended the Webinar and over 90 questions were submitted prior to the Webinar.

To read the list of questions and answers from this webinar please visit: Dementia Australia’s Meet the Ministers webinar

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Last updated
10 January 2024