Is there a way to track your brain health?

We all have times where we don’t feel ourselves, but how can we determine if it is temporary or if there is something more going on?
How do you know if the changes you are feeling are temporary or not?
There are many reasons for you not to be ‘on top of your game’ when it comes to your brain health. Changes in cognitive function like forgetting dates and times, being easily distracted, or losing your car in the car park can be easily explained when you are feeling tired, stressed, overwhelmed, or unwell. It can happen to anyone!
But when this happens on a more regular basis, or affects your daily function, there may be something else going on.
Can you track your brain health?
You can track and optimise your brain health over time with the new free BrainTrack app. BrainTrack helps individuals explore common cognitive concerns and provides brain health information through fun, travel-themed games.
When you first login to the app you will complete the check-in quiz. The quiz results will help you identify risk factors that may impact your brain health. Users are encouraged to complete the quiz monthly so you can track your cognition over time. You will see where you are doing well in supporting positive brain health and learn strategies to reduce your brain health risk.
What can I do if I am concerned about my brain health?
A number of conditions produce symptoms similar to dementia and some of the can be treated. They include some vitamin and hormone deficiencies, depression, medication effects, infections and brain tumours. It is essential to talk to your doctor when symptoms first appear.
If the symptoms are caused by dementia, an early diagnosis means early access to support, information and, if it is available, medication. If symptoms are not caused by dementia, early diagnosis will be helpful to treat other conditions.
If you are worried about your brain or want to know more about being brain healthy, please call us at any time on 1800 100 500.
How do I start a conversation with my GP about my brain health?
If you are concerned about your brain health you can use the BrainTrack app and track your cognition over time. You can either download or print your results and present them to the doctor as well as talking to your doctor about your concerns honestly and openly.
While BrainTrack is not intended to replace a formal cognitive assessment, the app supports the early identification of cognitive changes over time that may warrant further testing with a GP.
Find out more about BrainTrack here:
Want to know more about brain health? Check out these articles:
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How do we maintain a healthy brain? There is no sure way to prevent dementia but there are things we can do to get our brain healthy and keep it healthy.
For more resources about brain health visit our library guide here:
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