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Request to collaborate with Dementia Australia

Dementia Australia welcomes research aimed at improving the lives of people living with dementia, their families and care partners. We value the opportunity to be closely involved in various types of research projects, although our capacity to be involved will depend on staff availability and resources. There are a number of ways in which we can assist:

  1. If you would like to request input from Dementia Australia on your research project or grant application, or you want Dementia Australia to have a role in your project (at a governance, advisory or implementation level) please complete the form below.
  2. We also encourage researchers to involve people living with dementia and/or their care partners (Dementia Advocates) in the project, in ways beyond that of a research participant. If you would like to invite a Dementia Advocate to be part of your project, see our Dementia Advocates Program page.
  3. If you are looking for assistance with recruitment only, please do not complete this form but submit your study with us and/or register your project with StepUp for Dementia Research.
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Last updated
21 February 2024