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Your rights and responsibilities

Dementia Australia provides high-quality services and support to meet our clients’ needs. Our services meet current disability and aged care standards.

Your rights

The service and support you receive are important to us.

As our client, you have the right to:

  • be treated with dignity and respect
  • access services that respect your language, culture, beliefs and sexuality
  • be involved in decisions about your service
  • bring someone to support your decision-making or make decisions on your behalf
  • receive written confirmation of your agreed services 
  • be involved in regular reviews of your service
  • privacy and confidentiality of your personal information
  • a fair determination of your financial contribution to a service 
  • information on how to provide feedback or make a complaint
  • refuse services or make a complaint without recrimination.

Your responsibilities

To help us deliver the best care, it is your responsibility to:

  • treat staff and others with respect
  • provide information to help us support you with the right services
  • tell us if you need to cancel or change your service.

Our responsibilities

We value every person in our care.

Our team will: 

  • respect your personal beliefs, privacy and confidentiality
  • treat you with respect and dignity
  • include any person you choose to support your decision-making or act on your behalf
  • recognise, promote and value carers and care relationships, and recognise the different needs of people in care relationships
  • talk to you about the full range of services available at Dementia Australia and other organisations
  • provide you with an interpreter if needed
  • acknowledge and fairly investigate any complaint, working with you in confidence to resolve the issue quickly

Dementia Australia follows regulations set by the Commonwealth and State Governments.

Dementia Australia complies with the Care Relationship Principles (Carers Recognition Act 2021). If you wish to know more about how Dementia Australia meets obligations of care and carer support agencies relating to the Care Relationship Principles, you can access the report via the link below:
Dementia Australia Report - Obligations of Care and Care Support Agencies

Your privacy respected

Dementia Australia collects personal information only with your consent. We take all reasonable steps to protect your privacy.

You have the right to:

  • know why your personal information is being collected
  • understand how this information is used and shared
  • see what information we hold about you
  • change information that is incorrect, out of date or incomplete
  • have your information protected from unauthorised access and misuse
  • make a complaint about a breach of privacy.

There may be times when the law requires us to share your personal information. Find out more about the use of personal information in our Privacy Policy.

To view our compliance obligations as a service provider, go to:

How to provide feedback

We welcome your feedback. Every compliment or complaint helps us improve our service.

Talk to one of our team members first.

We investigate all complaints and will respond as quickly as possible. If you feel your complaint is not resolved, you can choose from the following options.

Write to the
Director – Client Services
Dementia Australia
PO Box 3021
Manuka ACT 2603

Email our team at

If your complaint is still not resolved, you can contact the following organisations.

For Australian Government-funded aged care services, contact:

The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission

Phone: 1800 951 822 (free call from fixed lines; mobile calls may be charged a fee)
In writing: Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, GPO Box 9819 (your capital city and state or territory)

You may also wish to contact the following organisations. You have the right to include a person of your choice to support your decision-making or act on your behalf.

The Office of the Public Advocate
in your state or territory

Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN)

Phone: 1800 700 600

Send your feedback

We welcome your feedback. Every compliment or complaint helps us improve our service. Talk to one of our team members first. We investigate all complaints and will respond as quickly as possible. If you feel your complaint is not resolved, you can choose from the following options.

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Last updated
19 March 2025