Working in aged care? Three simple tips for quality dementia care

More than two thirds of Australians living in aged care have a moderate to severe cognitive impairment so it is vital that quality dementia care is at the core of aged care delivery.
Every single person who works in the aged care system from managers, nurses and personal care workers to outdoor maintenance and housekeeping, play a crucial role in ensuring those they care for are treated with respect and dignity, and have the quality of life they choose.
After all, if we can get it right for dementia, we can get it right for everyone.
Dementia Australia offers training and education resources for aged care employees to equip them to better support people living with dementia, including a range of accredited courses through the Centre for Dementia Learning.
There is also a range of simple things aged care employees can do to enhance the quality of care they provide to people living with dementia.
1. Get to know the person you are caring for
Take the time to learn a bit about the person you are caring for.
One way to do this is by using the Sunflower Tool, which is a chart that can be hung up and contains important information about the likes, dislikes and hobbies of the person you are caring for.
2. Understand that behaviour is communication
Dementia affects people in different ways and changes in communication are common. The person may find it hard to express themselves clearly or to understand what others say.
When you notice a change in the behaviour of someone living with dementia, the first thing to ask yourself is ‘what is this person trying to tell me’, not ‘is this a symptom of their dementia?’.
For example, the behaviour may be telling you that the person is in pain and they need it treated.
3. Slow down
It’s important to give people living with dementia time to speak and respond.
Dementia impacts the ability to think quickly, so it is important to leave enough time for the person to respond to any questions.
It may useful to speak at a slower pace and leave pauses between one topic and the next to give the person adequate time to respond.
Technology solutions
Dementia Australia also has a range of technology solutions that can assist aged care employees improve the quality of care provided to people living with dementia.
Ask Annie is an app that offers short, self-paced learning modules to help care workers refresh their skills and learn tips and tools to provide better care to people living with dementia.
Ask Annie applies a person-centred approach which is central to quality dementia care. Users learn how to put the individual and their needs at the forefront of every interaction and have respectful communication.
The app can be downloaded for free along with access to five free modules.
Talk with Ted is an award-winning immersive experience that uses artificial intelligence and virtual reality to provide a simulation of a typical communication experience between a care worker and someone living with dementia.
It is a safe and effective way to practise communication skills.
To find out more about Ask Annie and Talk with Ted, visit the Centre for Dementia Learning website or call 1300 DEMENTIA (1300 336 368).